Glass: How Now, Strung Out

Genre: Audio CD
Price: $19.98
This new release from Orange Mountain Music presents Philip Glass first concert ever in what the composer considers his debut. The concert took place on May 19, 1968 at the Film Makers Cinematheque at 80 Wooster Street in Soho, New York City. The performance was the first all-Glass concert ever and featured solo works and duets with visual elements. This recording captures two of the solo works on the program including Glass himself performing How Now for solo organ and Strung Out for solo amplified violin performed by the legendary Dorothy Pixley-Rothchild for whom Glass had previously written a violin concerto for in 1960. It was soon after this concert that Glass started his own ensemble for which he wrote many new works. Consequently many of the works from this pre-Philip Glass Ensemble period were not performed for a long time. Strung Out has the sheet music strung out in an L shape and the performer walks along the music as he/she goes farther into the piece. This is the oldest recording of any kind of Glass early music.

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