Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther
Genre: Paperback
Brand: Forgotten Books
Author: Roland H. Bainton
Price: $11.08
Nathaniel Taylor lectures at the Yale Divinity School, the Carew Lectures at the Hartford Seminary Foundation, and the Hein Lectures at the Wartburg Seminary and Capital University, as well as at the Bonebrake Theological Seminary, the Gettysburg Theological Seminary, and the Divinity School of Howard University. For many courtesies on the part of these institutions I am indebted. I also thank the firm of J. C. B. Mohr at Tubingen for permission to reprint as Chapter XXI the article which appeared in the Gerhard Ritter Festschrift, and the Westminster Press for permission to use in condensed form certain portions from my Martin Luther Christmas Book. Extensive travel and borrowing for this work have not been necessary because the Yale library is so richly supplied and so generous in acquiring new material. Especially to Mr. Babb, Mr. Wing, and Mr. Tinker hearty thanks are tendered by A lartin Luther.
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Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology.
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