The Trench
The Trench tells the story of a group of young British soldiers on the eve of the Battle of the Somme in the summer of 1916, the worst defeat in British military history. Against this ill-fated backdrop, the movie depicts the soldiers' experience as a mixture of boredom, fear, panic and restlessness, confined to a trench on the front lines. At the center of the troops is 17-year-old Billy Macfarlane (Paul Nicholls) who, alongside his older brother Eddie (Tam Williams), has volunteered for service. Like their fellow squad members, they are boys dressed as men. Their survival is in the hands of war-hardened Sergeant Winter (Daniel Craig) and bookish Lieutenant Harte (Julian Rhind-Tutt). However, when word comes that the squad will join the first wave of the attack, they all face an equal fate.