
Genre: Audio CD
Brand: Alia Vox
Price: $24.98
Following up on the huge success of Orient-Occident and Jerusalem, prepare yourself to cross borders. This new release is mainly based on 'The Book of Science of Music,' published in 1710 by the Moldavian prince Dimitrie Cantemir, after many years spent in Istanbul. This unique manuscript enables us to discover rare jewels of Turkish traditional music. Jordi Savall already included some of the pieces from this collection in his album Orient-Occident, but he decided to explore it further in order to reveal the magic of the incredible city of Istanbul. This city portrait wouldn't have been complete without selections from the fascinating Armenian and Sephardic repertoire that was also familiar in Istanbul during this time. Once again, Maestro Savall sheds new light on a Golden Age of cultural dialogue, with the help of Hesperion XXI and outstanding Turkish and Armenian guest musicians. The result is a 'Jordi Savall' experience that goes far beyond music.

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