1888 Mills Luxury Cotton Made in Africa Hand Towel, Ivory

Genre: Kitchen
Brand: 1888 Mills
Price: $25.00
¿Think Globally and Act Locally.¿ Cotton made in Africa is a project that promotes the sustainable cultivation of African cotton to sell in products bearing the project¿s name. Funded in part by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the goal of the project is to increase the income of African cotton farmers thereby increasing the overall quality of life for themselves and their children. The purchase of this 2ply ringspun, 16x30" 2pk hand towel set in ivory, directly contributes to poverty reduction of more than 265,000 African farmers by creating sustainable trade rather than one time profit maximization. Additionally, these towels are manufactured in the USA by 1888 Mills, a leading textile manufacturer committed to environmental and social sustainability. For more information please visit the CMiA website at www.cottonmadeinafrica.org.

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