Thorlo Women's Thin Cushion Walking Mini Crew Sock
Genre: Apparel
Brand: Thorlo
Price: $14.99
The founder of Thorlos grew up watching his father knit socks. His father's philosophy was "A worthwhile life is to be the best at something." The founder shares his father's philosophy and incorporates this viewpoint in constructing the socks for Thorlos. Using their patented technologies, the "sports specifics" concept is Thorlos. Thorlon enhances loft and resilience and will not allow perspiration to stay behind. Socks are available for golfing, running, playing tennis and basketball. Due to their technology, they have received numerous letters from consumers and doctors informing Thorlos that their products were helping their feet to feel better. When your feet are pain free, your quality of life is more pleasurable. When the correct socks are combined with the correct shoe your quality of life will be enchanced. Thorlo has business relationships with other companies such as Jagger Brothers, Inc. and the Nathional Spinning Co., Inc. Socks made specifically for western boots provide an extra thick heel pocket that allows the foot to make the turn in the boot and allows the foot to feel secure and comfortable. Women's Roll Top Sock is the only under-the ankle women's golf sock that stays up all day. This sock also provides extra cushioning and comfort. Look for these popular items: the Thorlo women's lite running micro-mini sock with cool max; Thorlo At-Work and uniform sock; Thorlo At-work Safety Toe Sock; Thorlo At-Work Uniform Support Sock; Basketball; backpacking wool socks, casual dress socks - over the calf or crew length. And for the cold weather - snowboard and skiing socks.
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