Haba Salto Clutching toy

Genre: Toy
Brand: Haba
Price: $11.59
Pursuing the perfect baby toy? A high-style, but practical infant gift? Haba's Salto adapts to a little baby's grip. Slender circle ring gives baby ease in holding. Center pegs move easily to accommodate baby's growing coordination. Baby easily masters passing this toy back and forth between hands. Haba Salto stimulates 4 of baby's 5 senses! Hearing soft rattle stimulates hearing & encourages curiosity. Vibrant colors and turning center pegs get baby's attention & target baby's vision. Smooth, safe wood offers taste exploration. Feel of smooth wood and turning pegs stimulate baby's sense of touch. Haba Salto meets developmental needs of babies. Babies twist, turn, shake, push, pull, grab minds and coordination grows. Non-toxic, safety tested and assured.