Sacred Treasures 2: Choral Sistine Chapel

Genre: Audio CD
Brand: Hearts of Space
Price: $16.98
As with its predecessor, Sacred Treasures II lifts the spirits, warms the soul, and soothes the mind. With reverence, world music composer-conductor Vladimir Ivanoff invigorates the classic Holy Week psalm "Miserere," composed in the 17th century by Roman master composer Gregorio Allegori. Ivanoff extends Allegori's venerable nine-piece offering of contrition with five original tracks. In this manner, Ivanoff not only brings this astounding work to a new audience, but also builds on what has historically been the improvisational nature of the work, with Allegori's masterpiece originally modeled on that of Costanzo Festus. Recorded in a German cathedral, Ivanoff's "Metamorphoses" stars a stunning brass section, which provides near perfect balance to the extraordinary Gregorian styled harmonizing of the Onasbrück Boys Chorus. Sacred Treasures II is a magnificent feat: at once haunting, heartbreaking, and heavenly. --Paige La Grone

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