Orff: Carmina Burana

Genre: Audio CD
Brand: ORFF,C.
Price: $11.98
Yes, here it is folks--that irritatingly catchy chorus you first heard in the film Excalibur, or as the background music to the HBO Boxing Specials, and in zillions of other places. What it's not is the music from The Omen, which it clearly inspired. All pieces of music that feature choruses chanting in Latin are not the same (in fact, Stravinsky's Symphony of Psalms is much closer to The Omen than this). Orff actually wrote a lot more music, but here's a case where his reputation as a "one work" composer really is justified, for nothing else comes close in musical or popular appeal. This performance was authorized by the composer himself, and that's recommendation enough. --David Hurwitz

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