Western Civilization: A Brief History, Volume II: From the 1400's

Genre: Paperback
Brand: Brand: Cengage Learning
Author: Marvin Perry
Price: $123.95
WESTERN CIVILIZATION: A BRIEF HISTORY, Tenth Edition, maintains a firm grounding in political history, while covering intellectual history (particularly the significance of ideas and contributions) to a greater and deeper extent than any other text for the course. Author Marvin Perry's accessible writing style and flexible approach make this abridged version of WESTERN CIVILIZATION: IDEAS, POLITICS, AND SOCIETY an engaging Western Civilization survey text. Updated with more recent scholarship, the Tenth Edition retains many popular features, including comparative timelines, full-color art essays, and primary source boxes in each chapter. New technology resources (available separately), including CourseMate with interactive eBook, make learning more engaging and bring history concepts to life.

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