Introducing Christian Doctrine(2nd Edition)
Genre: Hardcover
Brand: Baker Academic
Author: Millard J. Erickson
Price: $36.99
Introducing Christian Doctrine is an abridged, less technical version of Millard J. Erickson's classic Christian Theology. Pastors and students alike will find this survey of Christian theology and doctrine a practical and accessible resource with both breadth and substance.
Erickson begins by explaining what theology is and then progresses through the doctrines of revelation, God, creation and providence, humanity, sin, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the atonement and salvation, the church, and eschatology. This second edition adds pedagogical aids, includes a chapter on postmodernity, and features the pertinent chapter from Christian Theology contemporizing the gospel message.
Erickson begins by explaining what theology is and then progresses through the doctrines of revelation, God, creation and providence, humanity, sin, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the atonement and salvation, the church, and eschatology. This second edition adds pedagogical aids, includes a chapter on postmodernity, and features the pertinent chapter from Christian Theology contemporizing the gospel message.
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