Issues of Gender (A Longman Topics Reader)
Part of the Longman Topics<” reader series, Issues in Gender explores how gender roles operate in and through work, sexuality, popular culture, family, and across global perspectives.
This brief collection of non-fiction and fiction essays examines constructions of femininities and masculinities and foregrounds intersections of race, class, and sexual preference as both shaping and shaped by gender. Brief apparatus encourages students to think critically about the ideas raised and challenges them to reconsider personal perspectives on gender issues in light of the readings.
<>Longman Topics” are brief, attractive readers on a single complex, but compelling, topic. Featuring about 30 full-length selections, these volumes are generally half the size and half the cost of standard composition readers. Friedman_Marshall Issues_in_Gender SMP Page 1 of 1
- They Say, I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing
- Feminism and Pop Culture: Seal Studies
- A Sequence for Academic Writing (5th Edition)
- "They Say / I Say": The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing with Readings
- "They Say / I Say": The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing with Readings (Second Edition)