Lazarillo de Tormes and The Swindler: Two Spanish Picaresque Novels (Penguin Classics)

Genre: Paperback
Brand: Penguin Classics
Author: Anonymous
Price: $15.00
The two short novels in this volume follow the adventures of two unlikely heroes-delinquent pĂ­caros living by their wits among corrupt priests and prostitutes, beggars and idle gentlemen, thieves, tricksters, and murderers. Lazarillo de Tormes (1554), published anonymously, provided a literary model for Cervantes' Don Quixote and describes the ingenious ruses employed by a boy from Salamanca to outwit a succession of disreputable masters. Francisco de Quevedo's The Swindler (1626) is a comic yet brutal and sordid account of a servant who wants to become a gentleman but ends up a cardsharp and common criminal.

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